Fairfax County General District Court Civil Continuance
General District Court Civil Forms
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How to Fill Out Revisable PDF Forms Format of Forms
The following forms can be completed online and printed for submission to the court. The forms available for completion online are those typically completed and submitted by an attorney-represented or self-represented party to a case.
General District Court Civil Forms and Instructions |
Warrant in Debt - Small Claims Division [Form DC-402] Instructions |
Warrant in Detinue - Small Claims Division [Form DC-404] Instructions |
Petition to Test for Blood-Borne Pathogens [Form DC-405] Instructions |
Petition to Require Blood Test [Form DC-406] Instructions |
Request for Hearing - Exemption Claim [Form DC-407] Instructions |
Petition for Proceeding in Civil Case Without Payment of Fees and Costs [Form DC-409] Instructions -Forthcoming |
Affidavit for Service of Process on the Secretary of the Commonwealth [Form DC-410] Instructions |
Service Other Than by Virginia Sheriff [DC-411] Instructions |
Warrant in Debt [Form DC-412] Instructions |
Certificate of Mailing Posted Service [Form DC-413] Instructions |
Warrant in Detinue (Civil Claim for Specific Personal Property) [Form DC-414] Instructions |
Detinue Seizure Petition [Form DC-415] Instructions |
Affidavit-Default Judgment Servicemembers Civil Relief Act [Form DC-418] Instructions |
Motion and Order for Voluntary Nonsuit [Form DC-419] Instructions |
Motion for Show Cause Summons or Capias [Form DC-420] Instructions |
Summons for Unlawful Detainer (Civil Claim for Eviction) [Form DC-421] Instructions |
Notice of Hearing to Establish Final Rent and Damages [Form DC-422] Instructions |
Distress Petition [Form DC-423] Instructions |
Petition for Expungement of Unlawful Detainer [Form DC-425] Instructions Forthcoming |
Warrant in Debt - Interpleader [Form DC-428] Instructions |
Tenant's Assertion and Complaint [Form DC-429] Instructions |
Tenant's Petition for Relief from Unlawful Exclusion [Form DC-431] Instructions |
Affidavit for Summons in Interpleader [Form DC-432] Instructions |
Motion to Set Aside Default Judgment [Form DC-434] Instructions |
Affidavit and Petition for Order of Publication [Form DC-435] Instructions |
Notice of Change of Address [Form DC-437] Instructions |
Summons To Answer Interrogatories [Form DC-440] Instructions |
Bill of Particulars [Form DC-441] Instructions |
Grounds of Defense [Form DC-442] Instructions |
Itemized List of Damages [Form DC-443] Instructions |
Attachment Petition [Form DC-445] Instructions |
Plaintiff's Bond for Levy or Seizure [Form DC-447] Instructions |
Defendant's Bond for Levy or Seizure [Form DC-448] Instructions |
Affidavit Concerning Dependent Children and Household Income [Form DC-449] Instructions |
Suggestion for Summons In Garnishment [Form DC-450] Instructions |
Garnishment Summons [Form DC-451] Instructions |
Notice to Judgment Debtor- How to Claim Exemptions from Garnishment [Form DC-454] Instructions |
Garnishee Information Sheet [Form DC-455] Instructions |
Garnishee's Answer [Form DC-456] Instructions |
Notice of Satisfaction Form [Form DC-458] Instructions |
Motion for Judgment to be Marked Satisfied [Form DC-459] Instructions |
Civil Appeal Bond [Form DC-460] Instructions |
Plaintiff's Bond-Lien of Mechanic for Repairs [Form DC-462] Instructions |
Request for Writ of Eviction in Unlawful Detainer Proceedings [Form DC-469] Instructions |
Forthcoming Bond [Form DC-470] Instructions |
Petition for Reinstatement Of Driving Privileges - Failure to Satisfy Judgment [Form DC-472] Instructions |
Petition for Judicial Certification of Eligibility for Admission [Form DC-477] Instructions |
Petition and Order for Sale of Property [Form DC-479] Instructions |
Medical Treatment and Detention Petition [Form DC-489a] Instructions |
Medical Emergency Temporary Detention Petition [Form DC-489] Instructions |
Medical Emergency Custody Petition [Form DC-491] Instructions |
Explanation of Involuntary Commitment Process - Description of Rights [Form DC-493] Instructions |
Petition For Injunction Or Mandamus Freedom Of Information Act And Affidavit For Good Cause Or Protection Of Social Security Numbers Act [Form DC-495] Instructions |
Subpoena for Witness (Civil) Attorney Issued [Form DC-497] Instructions |
Subpoena Duces Tecum (Civil) Attorney Issued [Form DC-498] Instructions |
Motion and Order for Release of Vehicle [Form DC-499] Instructions |
Motion to Amend or Review Order [Form DC-630] Instructions |
Protective Order Firearms Certification [Form DC-649] Instructions -Forthcoming |
General District Court Criminal Court Forms also used in the Civil Court |
Request for Witness Subpoena [Form DC-325] Instructions |
Subpoena Duces Tecum [Form DC-336] Instructions |
Notice to Providers - Subpoena Duces Tecum for Medical Records [Form DC-350] Instructions |
Motion to Reopen (Criminal)/Motion To Rehear (Civil)/Motion For New Trial (Civil) [Form DC-368] |
Motion and Notice of Hearing [Form DC-371] |
Petition for Protective Order [Form DC-383] Instructions Information Sheet |
General District Court Eviction Diversion Pilot Program Forms (For Use in Danville, Hampton, Petersburg and Richmond Only) |
Request for Referral [Form EDP-1] Instructions: For Use in Danville, Hampton, Petersburg and Richmond Only |
Landlord�s Notice of Nonpayment [Form EDP-3] Instructions: For Use in Danville, Hampton, Petersburg and Richmond Only |
Affidavit of Tenant in Response to Landlord�s Notice of Nonpayment [Form EDP-4] Instructions: For Use in Danville, Hampton, Petersburg and Richmond Only |
General District Court Mental Health (Adult) and Other Civil Forms |
Petition for Involuntary Admission for Treatment [Form DC-4001] Instructions |
Petition for Review of Mandatory Outpatient Treatment [Form DC-4005] Instructions |
Petition To Continue Mandatory Out Patient Treatment [Form DC-4015] Instructions |
Tracking Document for Sending or Receiving Mandatory Outpatient Treatment Order Upon Entry [Form DC-4020] Instructions |
Tracking Document for Sending or Receiving Mandatory Outpatient Treatment Order Upon Transfer [Form DC-4022] Instructions |
Application for Copy of Recording of Commitment Hearing [Form DC-4029] Instructions |
Waiver of Confidentiality of Court Records - Commitment for Mental Health Treatment [Form DC-4032] Instructions |
Petition for Access to Dispositional Order [Form DC-4035] Instructions |
Petition to Restore Right to Purchase, Possess or Transport a Firearm [Form DC-4040] Instructions |
Notice Of Alternative Facility Of Temporary Detention [Form DC-4044] Instructions |
Order for Transportation to Alternative Facility of Temporary Detention |
Explanation of Emergency Custody Procedures [Form DC-4050] Instructions |
Motion for Mandatory Outpatient Treatment Upon Discharge from Inpatient Treatment [Form DC-4055] Instructions - Forthcoming |
Order for Mandatory Outpatient Treatment Upon Discharge from Inpatient Treatment [Form DC-4056] Instructions - Forthcoming |
Status Hearing for Mandatory Outpatient Treatment [Form DC-4057] Instructions - Forthcoming |
Petition for Emergency Substantial Risk Order [Form DC-4060] Instructions - Forthcoming |
How to Fill Out Revisable PDF Forms
To fill out a form, open the form by clicking on it. All fields within the form that can be edited will be highlighted in grey. Click inside the first field you wish to edit. Some fields only allow one line within that particular field to be edited. Begin typing. Use your "Tab" key to navigate forward through the different fields. Use the "Shift" plus "Tab" keys together to go back. To print a form, use the browser's print feature. Deliver the printout to the appropriate court.
Format of Forms
These forms are available as Adobe Acrobat PDF documents. The Adobe Reader (free from Adobe) allows you to view, complete and print PDF documents.These forms are designed and tested to work with the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader and may not display or function correctly in browser specific PDF viewers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, etc.). If your browser doesn't open PDFs with Acrobat Reader, download (save) the form and then open it using Acrobat Reader, rather than opening it within your browser.
All of our PDF files are tested prior to posting. If you have problems with a form, please review the troubleshooting information in Adobe's support knowledgebase. You may also contact the [email protected].
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Source: https://vacourts.gov/forms/district/civil.html
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